Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hold up a second, art history lesson.


In psychoanalytical terms, identification is a psychological process whereby the subject assimilates an aspect, property or attribute of the other and is transformed, wholly or partially, after the model the other provides. It is by means of a series of identifications that the personality is constituted and specified. The roots of the concept can be found in Freudian theory. Freud distinguished three main kinds of identification: first, identification is the original form of emotional tie with an object; secondly, in a regressive way it becomes a substitute for a libidinal object-tie and thirdly, it may arise with any new perception of a common quality which is shared with some other person.

Hysterical identification

Psychoanalysis teaches us that there is another type of identification which is qualified as hysterical identification. In that case, the shared fate is not with disappearance or death, but on the contrary with presence, affirmation and life.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tack attack.

For those of you who don't know, I like making cards for the people I care about because
a)it is fun and crafty like that
and b) it requires time and effort, and shows the person you really care
So I came across this picture of a card on the internet and I melted, not only is it very nice and clean looking, it also satisfies the inner cheesy love hippie in me, that I have recently discovered.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

One more exam.

Second Chance by Peter Bjorn and John.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ain't that the way it always starts, a simple round of conversation.

I want to start posting more again. For now, he's what I am digging on. ROCK ON.

blog title: Arlandria - Foo Fighters